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Professional Trail Builder and Designer

Natural Resource Construction Serving the East Coast

Best Trails in North Carolina

At Black Diamond Designs, we pride ourselves on our sustainable natural resource construction processes. Whether we are building Trails, Bridges, Boardwalks, Streams, Stormwater Outfalls, you can count on us to take full measures to insure the preservation of the world’s most valuable resources, water, air, and biology.

Our proven outlook and core values enable us to create astonishing projects, that integrate seamlessly in their environment and leave a legacy of conscious natural resource development.

Vision and Mission

To leave a legacy full of Thriving ecosystems through Natural Resource construction, restoration, and recreation that inspires future generations.

To leave a legacy full of Thriving ecosystems through Natural Resource construction, restoration, and recreation that inspires future generations.


We offer full design-build services for:

Trail Building and Design

Bike Parks

Bridges and Boardwalks

Habitat Managment and Restoration

Stream Restoration

Land Management

Stormwater Management


Past Projects

San-Lee Bike Park

San-Lee Gravity Park was deemed a hazard by Lee County in April of 2021 after several accidents that required helicopter evacuations.

Graveyard Ridge

We partnered with The Pisgah Conservancy on this project to do a total makeover on the Graveyard Ridge Trail. Before the trail was slowing becoming a creek, erosion had battered what was left of the trail.

Harvest Fields Bike Park

This park is on 3.5 acres. Parks like this one take a hug amount of community effort and some fundraising to accomplish but are the best value added amenity per acre your community could invest in.

Let’s Connect

Please use the form below to get in touch with us about your project. We can’t wait to work with you!